You Will be My Witnesses!
Studies in the Book of Acts
You are invited to join us in San Antonio for “You Will Be My Witnesses!” This conference on the Book of Acts is offered by Thirdmill Seminary and First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio in partnership with the Zbinden Study Center on February 21-22, 2025.
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike and Dr. Greg Perry will lead us into key aspects of true gospel witness that were strengthened despite the challenges experienced by the early church.
On Friday evening, February 21, we will focus on how Pentecost establishes an important pattern for our Gospel Show-and-Tell, the proclamation and practices of Christian witness.
On Saturday morning, February 22, we will focus on the intercultural character of Christian witness and explore both its opportunities and common obstacles. This conference will be live-streamed, however no translation will be available. The breakout sessions on Saturday will be in English with Dr. Perry and in Spanish with Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike.
Conference Registration
Need a place to stay?
Sonesta Hotel
425 Bonham Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Call the Sales Department or email Justene (dot) Neri@sonesta (dot) com and ask for the First Presbyterian rate.
Schedule - 21 Feb
Friday evening, February 21
5:45pm - Registration
6:15pm - Opening Worship and Session One: Dr Greg Perry on “Pentecost and the Proclamation of the Church’s Witness” Acts 2:14-41
7:15pm - Q&A with Drs. Perry and Tijerina-Pike
7:30pm- Session Two: Dr. Gabriella Tijerina-Pike on “Pentecost and the Practices of the Church’s Witness” Acts 2:42-47
Q&A with Drs. Perry and Tijerina-Pike
Schedule - 22 Feb
Saturday morning, February 22
8:30am - Morning Coffee Fellowship
9:00am - Welcome, Worship, and Session Three: Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike on “An Ethiopian, A Centurion and Confused Christians: The Challenges and Celebrations of the Church’s Intercultural Witness” Acts 8:26-40 and 10:9-48
10:00am - Language Breakout Groups
English with Dr Perry
Spanish with Dr. Tijerina-Pike
11:00am - Session Four: Dr. Greg Perry on “The Church’s Public Witness” Acts 17:16-34
11:45am Q&A with Drs Perry and Tijerina-Pike
Final Announcements and closing prayer

Para conocer la hora de inicio local https://www.worldtimebuddy.com
For local start time, refer to https://www.worldtimebuddy.com

Dr. Greg Perry
Gregory R. Perry is the President of Thirdmill Seminary, an academic partner in the Thirdmill Global Network. He has served local churches in Atlanta and Arlington, has taught served as faculty of Covenant Seminary in St. Louis and Christ College in Sydney, Australia. Greg has re-read Scripture and local cultures together with congregational leaders in God’s mission.
Dr. Greg Perry
Gregory R. Perry es el presidente de Thirdmill Seminary, un socio académico de Thirdmill Global Network. Ha servido en iglesias locales en Atlanta y Arlington, ha enseñado como profesor del Seminario Covenant en St. Louis y en el Christ College en Sydney, Australia. Greg propone una relectura de las Escrituras de la mano con las culturas locales y los líderes congregacionales en la misión de Dios.
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike earned her Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen with an emphasis in Exegesis of the New Testament (Lukan Christology). She has served as President of Seminario Todas Las Naciones in Mexico and written commentaries for layman and children in Spanish. Dr. Tijerina-Pike is committed to equipping church leaders with Thirdmill Seminary and by serving as Director of Latino/a Ministries at Calvin Theological Seminary.
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike
La Dra. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike obtuvo su Ph.D. en Universidad de Aberdeen con énfasis en Exégesis del Nuevo Testamento (Cristología Lucana). Ha servido como Presidenta de Seminario Todas Las Naciones en México y ha escrito comentarios para laicos y niños en español. La Dra. Tijerina-Pike está comprometida en equipar a líderes eclesiásticos a través de Thirdmill Seminary y desempeña en el cargo de Directora de Ministerios Latinos/a en el Seminario Teológico Calvin.