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Complaint Procedure

Student Complaint Policy


Students, staff and faculty have the right to express any concerns they might have with any aspect of their educational experience. Adhere to the following steps when addressing these concerns: 

  • If anyone in the Seminary community has a misunderstanding or dispute with another person in our learning community, they first must address their concern directly with that person as misunderstandings can often be cleared up best at their source. 

  • Faculty members encourage students to ask them any questions about a course syllabus, grade, assignments in the course or any communications which remain unclear. 

  • Likewise, staff or faculty address their concerns to their direct supervisor for clarification. 

  • If a matter remains unresolved, community members may address academic matters to the Dean of their program and administrative matters to the Director of Administration. 


An item is only considered as a formal complaint if a community member indicates in their communication to our President, Academic Deans or Director of Administration that they believe Thirdmill Seminary is not following its own policies, the standards of its accreditors, US state or federal laws. 

  • The Academic Dean or Director of Administration will confirm receipt of a complaint and copy the President of the Seminary within two business days. The complaint will be brought to the next scheduled meeting of the appropriate faculty committee (Curriculum Committee or Student Services). 

  • Once the Committee of the faculty meets and acts, the community member will be informed of their decision by the person who received their formal complaint within two business days of the committee’s action. 

  • If the matter remains unresolved, the community member may appeal in writing to the President of the Seminary by email to The President will confirm receipt of the appeal within two business days and inform the community member that their appeal will be considered at the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the faculty. Once a final decision is reached, the President will inform the community member within two business days. 

  • If a student or other community member remains unsatisfied with the response of Seminary to the matter, they may file an appeal as follows. 


Distance education students who have completed the internal institution complaint process may appeal non-instructional complaints to the Florida SARA PRDEC Council at





Seminary for the Third Millennium (DBA Thirdmill Seminary) is required to provide all current and prospective out-of-state students with the contact information of the state agency that handles complaints against institutions of higher education within that state. All students have a right to lodge a complaint or grievance at any time. Students are encouraged to review the complaint policy (shown above) and first seek to resolve their complaints through informal discussion. 



Seminary for the Third Millennium (Thirdmill Seminary) is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency (listing here). DEAC is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). As such, our programs and administrative policies are frequently reviewed to ensure that we continue to meet the DEAC’s exacting standards of excellence. The DEAC office is located at 1101 17th Street NW, Suite 808, Washington, D.C. 20036. Their phone number is (202) 234-5100.


DEAC has an “Online Complaint System” that enables individuals to file a complaint directly from the DEAC website. The complaint form may be found at All complaints should be submitted using the website. 


Written complaints must contain the following: 

  • the basis of any allegation of noncompliance with DEAC standards and policies; 

  • all relevant names and dates and brief description of the actions forming the basis of the complaint;

  • copies of any available documents or materials that support the allegations; 

  • a release authorizing the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint, including identification of the complaint(s) to the institution. 


In cases of anonymous complaints or where the complainant requests for his/her name to be kept confidential, the Commission considers how to proceed and whether the anonymous complaint sets forth reasonable and credible information that an institution may be in violation of the Commission’s standards and whether the identity of the complainant is not necessary to investigate. Students may also file a complaint with the state office which oversees the operation of institutions of higher learning in the state in which they reside. Contact information is provided below.


Status: Exempt, received private school certificate of exemption

Commission on Higher Education

Department of Postsecondary Education, Office of Private School Licensing Division

PO Box 302000 Montgomery, AL 36130-2000 

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC



Status: approval or exemption not required without physical presence, subject to periodic review

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 
P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818

Email:    Phone: (888) 370-7589

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC



Status: Exempt, religious school exemption

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


Status: Exempt, religious school exemption

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission

2082 E. Exchange Pl. #220, Tucker, GA 30084-5305

Phone: 770.414.3300 

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC



Status: licensure not required for online distance education

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
1024 Capital Center Dr #320
Frankfort, KY 40601-7512

Phone: 502.573.1555 

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


Status: authorization not required for online distance education, subject to periodic review

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation

3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211-6453

Phone: 601.432.6198

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


New Mexico

Status: exempt due to nonprofit religious institution

New Mexico Higher Education Department

2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100

Phone: 505-476-8400

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


Status: authorization not required for online nonprofit distance education

Ohio Department of Higher Education

25 South Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215-4183

Phone: 614.728.3095

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


Status: authorization not required, subject to periodic review

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104 

Phone: 405.225.9100

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


South Carolina 

Status: exempt from licensure requirements due to course offerings limited to Bible or theological credentials

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

Academic Affairs, Postsecondary Institution Licensing 

1122 Lady Street, Suite 400, Columbia, SC 29201 

Phone 803.737-2260 

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


Status: authorization not required without physical presence, subject to periodic review

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1900, Nashville, TN 37243

Phone: 615.253.7458

Student Complaints – Follow Thirdmill Seminary’s Complaint Policy and/or DEAC


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