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All course descriptions are available in the Catalog
Academic Year 2024-25
Students may apply to enroll any time during the year.
Term 4
March 17 - May 11, 2025
Making Biblical Decisions (THE513) – 3 credit hrs
Christian morality has always been challenged and rejected by unbelievers, but today even many believers have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Based on the lecture series, Making Biblical Decisions, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. John M. Frame, this course incorporates graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to build on both parts of the Foundations of Interpretation series. We cultivate biblical wisdom by studying the Bible’s own system of covenantal ethics, and learning to apply its evaluative framework and practices to approach present challenges, temptations, and problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions.
Heart of Paul’s Theology (BIB514) – 2 credit hrs
Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ, but this wasn’t the heart or scope of his gospel. According to Paul, salvation is not primarily about individuals being saved; rather, it is the triumph of God over evil and the reality of Christ’s kingdom taking root in communities of renewed image-bearers amidst all nations. This course unpacks Paul’s missional hermeneutic and missionary method. By studying Paul’s letters to the Galatian, Thessalonian, and Corinthian churches, you will gain a deeper understanding of the kingdom of God and rejoice in Christ’s plans for his people and his world. Based on the lecture series, The Heart of Paul’s Theology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Reggie M. Kidd, this course employs graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty input and oversight with local mentor engagement to explore the message, missionary methods and church-forming mission of the Apostle Paul.
New Course: Basic Greek and Exegesis (BIB525) – 3 Credits / Elective
This course teaches the fundamentals of Greek morphology and grammar as well as the steps of New Testament exegesis. It explains how to use linguistic tools, including software programs. It includes Power Point presentations with pronunciation of Greek vocabulary and exercises in grammar. As students progress, they do their own exegesis of a New Testament passage and prepare a summary of their findings in preparation for preaching or teaching.
Term 5
May 26 - July 30, 2025
Your Kingdom Come: Eschatology (THE511) – 2 credit hours
The topic of eschatology, or the end of history, has fascinated people for centuries. What does the Bible say about the goal of history? How have various branches of the global church described the Day of the Lord and the Millennium? In this course, students examine what the Scriptures teach about the last days, including a variety of challenging topics, such as the general resurrection, the final judgment, and the consummation of Christ’s messianic kingdom in the new heavens and new earth. Incorporating the lecture series, Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Matt Friedman, this course requires graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to understand and apply eschatology to Christian missions and ethics.
New Course: Evangelism And Church Planting (MIS509) – 2 Credits / Elective​
This course encourages and trains students to share the gospel and to plant new churches. It presents the principles, steps, anddifferent models for developing healthy churches and guides the students through the process of preparing their own plans for starting a new church.
Capstone Project & Portfolio (MIS603) – 3 credit hours
This cumulative assessment is designed in two parts: the Portfolio and the Project. The Portfolio requires you to revisit earlier assessments that were designed to demonstrate mastery of one of five program learning outcomes, each of which is tied to a key resource for sustainable ministry. The Project celebrates your learning by applying your findings to your current or future ministry in the form of a philosophy of ministry and strategic plan. The fifth resource for sustainable ministry is your own sense of your pastoral identity, ministry calling, spiritual gifts, personal wounds and weaknesses. Your Capstone Project appropriates the other four resources—Scripture, Theology, Discipleship Practices in the Church, and the cultural resources of your local context—through your own awareness of your pastoral identity, calling, gifts, and weaknesses. This depth of self-awareness only comes through consistent appropriation of the other resources in ongoing relation to a mentor, spiritual director, or other ministry colleague, who will encourage you, pray for you, and tell you the truth in love.